February 11, 2025

Jesus the Christ: Understanding His Distinction, Nature, and Role in Creation

Mr. Frederick P. Mensah

In an insightful effort to deepen humanity’s understanding of the distinction between Jesus and Christ, Mr. Frederick P. Mensah, the founder of The Way Networks, has provided profound spiritual insights that help differentiate between the person of Jesus and the concept of Christ. He emphasized that while Jesus was a human being born in history, Christ is a divine spirit that dwelled within Jesus’ body and continues to exist within all people, connecting humanity to the divine. This understanding offers a more nuanced perspective on spiritual growth and divine connectivity.

During an in-depth interview on the Happy 98.9 FM YouTube channel, Mr. Mensah shared that Christ is a universal spirit, not confined to Christianity, and is recognized by various religions and spiritual traditions under different names. He noted that while Christians refer to this spirit as “Christ,” other religious groups use different names to describe the same universal force. “While Christians call that spirit ‘Christ’, others have different names for the same spirit, from different cultural and spiritual contexts,” Mensah explained. This highlights the universality of Christ’s spirit, transcending religious boundaries and demonstrating that it is not exclusive to any one tradition.

To support his perspective, Mensah referenced a well-known Bible verse from John 14:6, where Jesus states, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” He used this verse to emphasize the connection between Jesus and the Christ spirit, explaining that the spirit of Christ is what connects individuals to God. He further clarified that while Jesus was a person who lived in history, the spirit of Christ resides in every human being, and it is this divine essence that allows individuals to experience spiritual growth and connection to God.

Mr. Mensah continued by explaining that the most universal term for the Christ spirit is the “Self.” He explained that this “Self” is an essential, intangible force within every individual. It is not something with a specific identity, as it transcends physical characteristics. “I have my ‘Self,’ you have your ‘Self,’ and everyone has their own essence,” Mensah noted. He elaborated that this spirit, referred to in many religious texts as the “breath of life,” is not conceived through physical means like reproduction but is transmitted as a higher form of energy. This transmission, he said, comes from God (or the Divine Source), allowing humanity to become living souls with the ability to connect to the divine.

In his discussion of the Bible’s creation story, Mr. Mensah pointed out that after God formed man from the earth, He breathed life into him, and man became a living soul. “That power was not created, but God (the Divine or Source, beyond existence) breathed its premier energy into existence to dwell in man, allowing him to become a conscious, living soul,” he said. This breath of life, the “Self,” is what Mensah believes is referred to as “the Christ” in Christian teachings. He emphasized that it is this divine essence—the “Self”—that connects humanity to God and gives life to individuals.

Mr. Mensah underscored that without this “Divine Self,” no human being would be able to connect to God. From a Christian perspective, he explained, “Without Christ (the Divine Self), you cannot know God.” He also made it clear that the term “Christ” should not be viewed as a personified figure but as a universal spirit that resides within every human being. This “Self,” also called “the Christ” in Christian faith, exists in every individual, regardless of religious affiliation.

To further support his point, Mr. Mensah emphasized that different religions and cultures have varying names for this same spirit. The key, he explained, is recognizing that the “Self” or “Christ” is the divine essence within all people that fosters spiritual growth and a deeper connection to the divine. He suggested that understanding and embracing this divine “Self” within each individual is the gateway to spiritual enlightenment, liberation, and redemption. He noted that this spiritual growth begins with self-awareness—by looking inward to recognize the presence of Christ within.

As humanity continues to search for ways to strengthen its relationship with the Divine, Mr. Mensah’s insights offer a valuable perspective. He believes that recognizing the Christ spirit or “Self” within every individual can lead to a deeper connection with God. This realization can inspire individuals to embrace their spiritual essence and open the door to greater personal growth, unity with the divine, and a more profound sense of interconnectedness with others. By understanding that Christ, or the “Self,” dwells within all of us, humanity may be encouraged to explore ways to bridge the gap between the self, the divine, and the Source we call God.

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